Meltem Sarıkaya was born in Mersin in 1991. She completed her education at Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Painting.
Sarıkaya states that her inquiries within her own life dynamics, from the early days of her artistic production until today, predominantly revolve around the heterosexism, homophobia, and the hypocritical gender bullying of the patriarchal society she was born into, which she observes in daily life. She indicates and references these issues in her artworks. The artist also emphasizes the dominant and active aspects through the masculine/feminine dichotomy instead of the traditional male/female binary. She visualizes concepts of power, sexuality, authority, violence, and femininity.
She portrays strength, sexuality, freedom, and violence through femme fatale characters. The deliberate inclusion of these figures in her paintings stems from her process of defining her own sexual identity, confronting the hypocritical gender politics of the patriarchal society she lives in, and her personal observations. As an artist whose production process develops instinctively, she creates a space for struggle as she continues to produce with these concerns in mind. While fighting becomes her driving force, she strives to depict and point out sexuality, which is traditionally encoded within standards, without confining it to predetermined molds, and she aims to distance herself from imposed passive female profiles. She intends to expose and highlight the walls constructed by the neighborhood, authority, and the system through taboos without conforming to new molds.
Meltem Sarıkaya continues her life and works in Istanbul.
Meltem Sarıkaya was born in Mersin in 1991. She completed her education at Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Painting.
2019 Melt Them, Ferda Art Platform, İstanbul
2023 – Martch Art Project / It doesn’t matter until it does, İstanbul
2023 – Den Art / Being Human, Antalya
2022 – Pilevneli Yalıkavak / Pilevneli Gallery, Bodrum
2022 – Artweeks Akaretler / Pilevneli Gallery, İstanbul
2022 – Cinsiyet Belası, Notu Projects, Antalya
2021 – Apartman52, Yeldeğirmeni no 52, İstanbul
2021 – Temas, Darağaç, İzmir
2020 – Step İstanbul, Ferda Art Platform, İstanbul
2020 – Through the window, Merkezkaç Art, Hollanda/İstanbul
2020 – İstanbul Artweeks, Demirel Art Collect on, Akaretler/İstanbul
2019 – Bir Maniniz Yoksa, Artfactory, İstanbul
2017 – Tasarım Tomtom Sokakta, İstanbul
2016 – Masturbation, Mixer, İstanbul
2015 – Nefes Almak / Breathe, Kare Art Gallery, İstanbul
2015 – Günden Geceye / Day to Night, 360İstanbul, İstanbul
2015 – Kargaşa 15: Bu Benim de Aklıma Gelmişti, KargART, İstanbul
2014 – God Save The Porn, Karaköy Külah, İstanbul
2013 – SummArt Painters Campus Kişinev, Moldova
2013 – Mamut Art Project, İstanbul
2013 – Alaçatı Genç Sanat Günler, İzmir
2013 – Davetsiz Misafir, İzmir
2012 – 35. DYO Resim Yarışması, İstanbul