Burak Ata

In his works, Burak Ata has always been chasing the traces of his autobiographic transformations as an artist. He positions himself at a permeable point in a particularly unpretentious manner and thus records and transmits the tides of his personal and the quotidian. Bura Ata questions how both intuitive knowledge and learned one affect our perception in different ways. Thanks to his kind treatment of Early Renaissance painting he carries eclectic humour and a subtle criticism that would not be revealed in any other way than the implementation of the Early Renaissance style that was developed before and outside of the ‘academic’ and ‘monotonous’ understanding of modern/linear perspective.

The grammar of his paintings is abstract but the way he interprets subjects contains figurative elements. We usually see figures that melt into a spatial network, that are crushed by or pushed to the background by the heaviness of the space. This figure has an implication for auto-portraiture, yet it also points to the idea of an artist in general. Architectural components or any element that serves to the feeling of the space represent the structural, the informational and the cultural. The representation of the structural elements also brought him where Burak Ata depicts his world with objects, installations and games.



2019 – Araba Turması Kulübü, Öktem Aykut, İstanbul
2016 – Kahramanlar, Bedenler ve Harabeler (grup sergisi dahilinde solo proje), Domates Biber Patlıcan 3. Edisyon, SPOT, İstanbul



2022 – border_less ARTBOOK DAYS, Arter, İstanbul
2021 – border_less ARTBOOK DAYS, Bilsar, İstanbul
2020 – Bir Maniniz Yoksa, Art Factory, İstanbul
2019 – Art Factory, Contemporary İstanbul, İstanbul
2019 – AIR Frosterus Artist Residency Exhibition, Nahkuri Art Center, Kârsâmâki, Finlandiya
2018 – Got It For Cheap, Mass Gallery, Austin, Teksas, ABD
2017 -The Istanbul Of-site Project for Sharjah Biennal 13. BAHAR (Spring) Signs of Time ile birlikte, Istanbul
2016 – Design BAY, Contemporary İstanbul, İstanbul
2016 – Mastürbasyon, Mixer, İstanbul
2016 – Ağrıyorsa Yaşıyorsun, Tasarım Bakkalı, İstanbul
2015 – Signs of Time, Contemporary İstanbul, İstanbul
2015 – Küratör Denen Canavar, Siyah Beyaz, Ankara
2014 – Signs of Time ve Artnivo, Contemporary İstanbul, İstanbul
2014 – Ortaksalon, Tankut Aykut, İstanbul
2014 – Signs of Time, Dış-Düş, Adahan Galeri, İstanbul
2013 – İlk Gösterim, artSümer, İstanbul



2019 – AIR Frosterus Artist Residency, Kattilakoski Culture Cooperative, Kârsâmâki, Finlandiya



2022 – Puşkin (Oyun)
2021 – Pâivâ (kitap), Ecem Yüksel ile birlikte